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  • General Operations Department

    Lead by the General Operations Manager ,  this is the second highest rank.

    This department is responsible for overseeing all operations (Matches, Training, Platoons, Human Resources etc)

    General Operations Manager

    The GOM appoints their own deputies who are responsible for various sub-area's such as Matches, Training or a commander of a platoon, they all report to the GOM who in-turn reports directly to the CiC.

    The GOM is responsible for all departments below the Operations Department  is assigned takes up the responsibility and the workload of those departments.


    • Appointment strictly by the CiC


    Deputy Operations Manager

    The DOM is the deputy for the GOM. They report directly to the GOM and help with the day to day running of the Operations Department.


    • Appointment is at the discretion of the GOM.
    • This has an automatic board position.


    • 30 days as a Senior Member
    • Passing an interview and background checks, there may be a probation period.


    • Preparing for conflict, this might involve training sessions with members taking part.
    • Liaising with Command & Platoon Commander
    • Taking part in board meetings
    • Helping in the day to day running of the department and supporting the GOM
    • Follow all authenticated orders of The Board, GOM and CiC
    • May be deployed with a platoon as a Platoon Commander when Platoon coordination is needed

    The Deputy Operations Manager may at any time be dispatched to assist in the day to day running of any other department if needed to do so by the GOM



    Training Manager

    The Training Manager is responsible for organising and conducting team training for the various platoons and squads within Phantom Rebels. They can also appoint Squad Leader's to assist them in their running of a training session.


    • Appointment is strictly by the GOM or CiC
    • This is a Senior Member position.


    • 3+ Months within Phantom Rebels
    • Holds no other position, such as Platoon Commander, Squad Leader, or any other rank.
    • Ability to lead
    • Able to have full situational awareness on the battlefield
    • Ability to remain calm and collected while giving the session
      • Sudden outburst will not be tolerated for this role


    • Working with Platoon Commander's to organise and rotate training sessions within the training servers (Currently only RS2)
    • Organise training sessions outside of platoons (First-come-first-serve) Type of training sessions, You will be put in charge of whoever shows up for the training session.
    • Writing up training documentation here on the website wiki
    • Ability to ability to appoint training officers under your command
      • Squad Leaders will also be able to hold training sessions.
    • Liaise with other training personnel to arrange training times
    • Giving demonstration training sessions to the GOM or MadMax with a small group of (4) members


    Training sessions may be observed at any time by MadMax or the GOM, we may join and sit in the training server or voice channel, Unless spoken too by us we should be ignored as we are purely there to observe.

    • This includes if we decide to fly above the training range in a helicopter and observe from above. We may be testing YOUR awareness to the trainer while the choppers are flying.
    • The training server can support multiple training sessions as long as they are taking place on the same map.


    HR Personnel

    This is the most junior senior role.

    The HR Personnel role are our recruiters and approve things like inactivity requests etc. They also handle giving out roles on Discord.


    ·         Appointment is at the discretion of the GOM

    ·         This is an Senior Member position


    • 90 days as a Member
    • Passing an interview and background checks, there may be a probation period.


    ·         Monitoring the Phantom Rebels Roster and updating where necessary.

    ·         Handing out promotions/demotions once confirmed by the CoC.

    ·         Accepting membership applications.

    ·         Handing out Discord tags.


    Diplomatic Relations Personnel

    The role of Diplomatic Relations Personnel are responsible for all diplomatic relations within the community.

    Diplomatic information is considered sensitive and as such only the Community Manager is briefed on matters outside this department, together they  decide if to release information to others, brief the council or inform the general membership.

    This department handles all matters relating to alliances, treaties etc as instructed by the council.

    The Diplomatic Relations Personnel are usually the first point of contact others will have with us over diplomatic matters.


    • 90 days as a Member
    • Passing an interview and background checks, there may be a probation period.



    Platoon Commander

    A Platoon Commander is responsible for leading squads and platoons into battle. The commanders report to the GOM who in turn reports to the CiC. The GOM or CiC has the authority to step in and take command of a deployment at any time.


    • Appointment strictly by the GOM or CiC
    • This is a Senior Member position.
    • Passing an interview and background checks, there may be a probation period.


    • 30+ days as an Squad Leader
    • Superior combat skills
      • Must be able to show evidence of past combat, such as video.
    • Ability to lead and direct others
    • Ability to teach others
    • Retain situational awareness and able to plan and adapt in all situations
    • Hold 50+ Hours in game
    • Hold a good tactical knowledge of the game
    • Exceptionally active within the game/Discord and exceptionally good at communicating

    Abilities & Duties

    • Abilities
      • Ability to deploy their platoon for combat, training or matches
      • Ability to create sub-squads
      • Has personal "Command Authority" in the field over their platoon once probation is passed
        • Cannot counter or ignore orders given by the GOM or CiC
        • Cannot overrule commands given by the GOM or CiC
        • Authenticated orders cannot be countered or ignored
          • These orders are acts of The Board and considered authenticated orders
      • Ability to appoint deputy second-in-command within their platoons
      • Ability to appoint Squad Leader's within each squad
    • Duties
      • To defend Phantom Rebels assets and/or interests
      • To follow kill orders
      • To ensure your platoon is combat ready through training
      • To follow all authenticated orders of The Board, GOM and CiC
      • There may be multiple engagements going on within a battle field, they will direct you to where you are most needed in such a situation.
        • Department lead Squad Leader's that are present in your platoon may assume platoon command if cleared by the GOM or CiC
      • To log and write up an platoon engagements from training and matches
      • To alert Command or your superiors to any situation that might require their attention, if unsure inform the GOO or CiC via Discord and tag them.

    The Platoon Commander is responsible for their own platoon, they are responsible for setting up training sessions and organising the order of their platoon, they have the freedom to invite whomever they wish to their platoon and assign their own roles within the platoon itself.

    Squad Leader

    The Squad Leader is the most senior, junior position. They come directly under the Platoon Commander. The Squad Leader position is the 2 highest rank within the platoon and therefore are the platoon 2nd in command. They can also take command of the platoon and deploy them into battle if the commander is not available.


    ·         Appointment is done by the Platoon Commander

    ·         This is a Senior Member position


    • 30 days as an Senior Member
    • Ability to lead and direct others
    • Ability to teach others
    • Retain situational awareness and able to plan and adapt in all situations
    • Exceptionally active within the game/Discord and exceptionally good at communicating

    Abilities & Duties

    • Abilities
      • Ability to deploy their platoon for combat, training or matches
      • Has personal "Command Authority" in the field over their platoon if the Platoon Commander is not available.
        • Cannot counter or ignore orders given by the GOM or CiC
        • Cannot overrule commands given by the GOM or CiC
        • Authenticated orders cannot be countered or ignored
          • These orders are acts of The Board and considered authenticated orders
      • Ability to appoint squad leaders within each squad
    • Duties
      • To defend Phantom Rebels assets and/or interests
      • To follow kill orders
      • To ensure your platoon is combat ready through training
      • To follow all authenticated orders of The Board, GOM and CiC
      • To assist in the log and write up an platoon engagements from training and matches
      • To alert Command or your superiors to any situation that might require their attention, if unsure inform the GOM or CiC via Discord and tag them.


    Senior Member

    The Senior Member Position is the second most Junior Member position available. The role of an Senior Member within a platoon is to act as Squad Leader's or if they do not hold the Squad Leader position, assist within their squad.


    ·         Appointment is done by the Platoon Commander, but recommendations can be made by Squad Leader's


    • 90 days as a Member within the platoon
    • Ability to lead and direct others
    • Retain situational awareness and able to plan and adapt in all situations


    Abilities & Duties

    • Abilities
      • Has the ability to lead their own squad
      • Has the ability to take it upon themselves to issue new orders to their squad if they feel it may better help the interests of the CiC
    • Duties
      • To defend Phantom Rebels assets and/or interests
      • To follow kill orders
      • To ensure your squad is combat ready through training
      • To follow all authenticated orders of The Board, GOM and CiC
      • To alert Command or your superiors to any situation that might require their attention, if unsure inform the GOM or CiC via Discord and tag them.



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