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Votekicked for no reason and unable to acces the server again?

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So the thing is I just spawned in the game(PR2-Long campaign, in cu-viet if i remember correctly), took a stranded rpg rocket to the ass(that made me laugh for a while), and after re-spawning and killing a few guys I got kicked for "toxic behaviour". Mind me, it was all in about 2 to 3 mins of entering the server, so I dont know which behaviour was it other than shooting a few bullets and dying to a random rpg rocket.

The thing is, I've been unable to join the server ever since, does it have something to do with the kick? Is it some kind of temporal "ban"? Can provide my in-game nickname if needed.

Thx a lot to anyone who reads and/or answers.

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Okay, I’m not a mod or staff so I can’t unban you, but if your still banned I can tell a staff to unban you, and if you had a role other then rifleman then a person kicked you for wanting your role, or maybe if laughed and your mic was on people maybe thought you where mic trolling.

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3 hours ago, 1sanger said:

Okay, I’m not a mod or staff so I can’t unban you, but if your still banned I can tell a staff to unban you, and if you had a role other then rifleman then a person kicked you for wanting your role, or maybe if laughed and your mic was on people maybe thought you where mic trolling.

thx for the help mate, no it wasn't even because of the mic, I was a rifleman with my mic closed, thats why it seemed so random to me since I didnt even have time to anything subsceptible to be considered "toxic" xD. 

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3 hours ago, MadMax said:

To get this undone quicker you can let us know in the discord server is quickest.

Vote kicks by a team last until the map changes. hope this helps.

Thx Max, it was the first time I ever got kicked so it was a new thing and I didnt even know what to do or If it meant being banned, if it happens again (I hope not) I'll contact trough Discord ?

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