Updated every few minutes the server page shows what is happening within Phantom Rebels servers.
You can click any server name to see history or player information etc.

Our Servers
Discover our high performance servers and enhance your gaming experience.
There are currently 193/320 players on 5 of our servers!
The most players online was on December 6th, 2024 1:49 PM with 286/320 players on our servers!
- phantom2.phantomrebels.com:8877
- IP Address
- 51/64
- players
- phantom2.phantomrebels.com:7878
- IP Address
- 54/64
- players
- phantom2.phantomrebels.com:8888
- IP Address
- 43/64
- players
- phantom2.phantomrebels.com:7766
- IP Address
- 1/64
- players
- phantom2.phantomrebels.com:9911
- IP Address
- 44/64
- players
- Updated
Other Phantom Rebels Servers
- Online Servers besides the above
Not always online, members can ask for these to be put up
Delta Force: Black Hawk Down
- Server name: ! PR Tryouts
- 50 slot, smallish maps due to the low population on the game now. Some MadMax originally made on 07 are on rotation.
- ARK: Survival Evolved
- Empyrion Galactic Survival
- Squad
Delta Force: Black Hawk Down